Make a payment

You can use this page to make a payment to University of Southampton Delhi.

We want to make sure that your payment is applied quickly and correctly. You can help us by following all the instructions on this page. If we don't have all correct information, payments may be lost or delayed.

Step 1 - Understanding different types of payment

Application Assessment Fee. You must pay an non-refundable Application Assessment Fee after you have made an application to study at University of Southampton Delhi. When we have received your Application Assessment Fee we will process your application to study.

Tuition Fee Deposit. You must pay a Tuition Fee Deposit after we make a Conditional Offer to you to confirm that offer. You should do this within 56 days of receiving a Conditional Offer, and no later than 14 days before the start of term.

Step 2 - Important information to read before you pay

University of Southampton partners with Oxford International Education Group, who are officially authorised to collect payments connected to Applications for study at University of Southampton Delhi. References to Oxford International Education Group, or OIEG, are fully accredited by University of Southampton.

We only accept online payments. You must make all payments in Indian Rupees.

You cannot pay using alternative methods such as a cheque, cash or banker's draft.

You must quote the unique 7-figure Student Identification number when you make a payments. This is to make sure that we can apply any payment to your Application. If you do not quote the correct 7-figure Student Identification number, or you do not supply this information, we will not be able to match any money you send to us to your Application. Your unique 7-figure Student Identification number is on documents and emails that we send to you.

Step 3 - Making a payment

Application Assessment Fee

The non-refundable Application Assessment Fee is 5,500 INR. To make this payment you should:-

  1. Complete your application to study.
  2. Wait to receive confirmation by email that your application has been received. This email will contain your unique 7-figure Student Identification number which you will need to make a payment.
  3. Make a payment using this secure Application Assessment Fee payment link. The value of this payment is already set at 5,500 INR on the payment screen. You must quote your unique 7-figure Student Identification number when you make payment.
  4. Wait for confirmation by email that your Application Assessment Fee has been received and attached to your application to study.


Tuition Fee Deposit

Your minimum Tuition Fee Deposit is equal to 10% of the published Tuition Fees for the first year of study. We will reduce the remaining balance of your Tuition Fees by the amount of your Deposit.  To make this payment you should:-

  1. Wait to receive your Conditional Offer.
  2. Confirm your Conditional Offer.
  3. Make a payment using this secure Tuition Feed Deposit payment link. You must enter the value of your Deposit on the payment screen. You must quote your unique 7-figure Student Identification number when you make payment.
  4. Wait for confirmation by email that your Deposit has been received and attached to your Conditional Offer.